One comment on “Contact Us

  1. kami jaeger

    I am checking around for anything that may be available to my mother in law. She is not considered “low income” and has medical insurance but does not have dental insurance. The reason she is struggling financially and I would say is even worse off than many low income patients is that she has been battling cancer for the last 3 years, fighting a losing battle. Her hospital bills, her prescription refills, she has to adopt my wife’s child when she went to prison, everything has made it financially impossible to live normally and even be able to afford the basic things someone would need to live comfortable. He teeth as of late have become brittle as she is just wrapping up her 6th different chemo and is about to switch to her 7th and most aggressive yet on Thursday. The medical team that has been involved in her cancer treatment said that if she was to do anything about her teeth, she would have to find something this week. I was going to school for culinary arts and as she’s not able to take care of herself, the house, or my wife’s child I stay here with her and drive everyone to their appointments and try to hold the family together. So when they said SHE needs to find somewhere, what they really meant was I need to try to find somewhere. I’m not from this area and if you can either help me with the services we desperately need or even pointing me in the right direction, I’m going to try to accomplish the impossible and find somebody to help her or have something arrange by the end of this week. Thank you for your time I really appreciate it, God bless.

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